PACE For Service Providers

For Service Providers

How can I join the Industrial Ambassador Network?
Share your Texas PACE expertise with the industrial market! The Texas PACE Authority Industrial Ambassador Network is a group of respected subject matter experts who help to educate the industrial community about the Texas PACE program.

Learn more and join the program >>>

How can I be listed on your website as a trained contractor?

Email to get added to our growing list that will posted here.

Where can I view technical training webinars?

All of our training webinars can be found on our Education & Outreach page.

Is PACE the same as a performance contract or are savings guarantees required?

No. PACE is simply a financing option. Savings guarantees are not required (although they could be offered, if that is what a property owner wanted). We do require an up-front independent review to validate that savings projections are reasonable.

What can PACE be used for?

PACE is 100% financing for energy and water efficiency improvements to commercial buildings. PACE is essentially a long-term (typically 10-20 year), low-cost loan for such improvements as:

  • HVAC modification or replacement
  • Light fixture modifications such as LED
  • Solar panels
  • High-efficiency windows or doors
  • Automated energy control systems
  • Insulation, caulking, weather-stripping or air sealing
  • Water use efficiency improvements
  • Energy- or water-efficient manufacturing processes and/or equipment
  • Solar hot water
  • Gray water reuse
  • Rainwater collection system
What is the Technical Analysis required for a PACE Project?

We require all projects to show projected savings, as our key metric is in looking at the Savings to Investment ratio. Generally, PACE projects require an SIR > 1, meaning that over the life of the project, the savings from the project are greater than the assessment (including financing costs). Our detailed Technical Standards Manual can be found at:

Please visit our Technical Standards page for informational webinars.

What is the independent review requirement?

To  successfully complete a PACE application, all projects must be accompanied by an audit from an Independent Third Party Reviewer (ITPR). To be of value, the work of the ITPR must be both professionally qualified and without conflict or relationship to the project they are reviewing. An ITPR must be a licensed Professional Engineer with energy/water efficiency experience. Additionally, the Professional Engineer should have at least one of the following certifications:

  • American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
    • Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP)
    • Building Energy Modeling Professional
  • Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
    • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
    • Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP)
    • Certified Energy Auditor (CEA)
  • Building Commissioning Association
    • Certified Commissioning Professional
  • Investor Confidence Project
    • Quality Assurance Provider

All projects will be required to follow protocols developed by the Investor Confidence Project (ICP). To this end, we encourage all ITPRs to be credentialed Quality Assurance Providers from the ICP. If you would like more information on ICP and becoming a credentialed QAP, please visit:

I have a detailed question - How do I get an answer?

You can contact us directly at

Who can be a PACE Lender?

PACE in Texas is open-market, and consequently a wide range of parties can make PACE loans. Eligible third-party lenders may include:

  • Any federally insured depository institution such as a bank, savings bank, savings and loan association and federal or state credit union;
  • Any insurance company authorized to conduct business in one or more states;
  • Any registered investment company, registered business development company, or a Small Business Administration small business investment company;
  • Any publicly traded entity; or
  • Any private entity that:
    • Has a minimum net worth of $5 million;
    • Has at least three years’ experience in business or industrial lending or commercial real estate lending (including multifamily lending), or has a lending officer that has at least three years’ experience in business or industrial lending or commercial real estate lending; and
    • Can provide independent certification as to availability of funds.

All lenders must have the ability to carry out, either directly or through a servicer, the bookkeeping and customer service work necessary to manage the assessment accounts.

Note that the Texas PACE Authority neither recommends nor endorses any particular PACE Service providers. This directory is provided solely for convenience in consolidating a list of PACE service providers. If you would like to be listed as a PACE lender, please contact Texas PACE Authority

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