Author name: Deborah Camp

This is where my instructor bio would go. About me and my qualifications for teaching courses.

Newsroom, TX-PACE in the News

TX Real Estate Research Center (TRERC) – Q1 PACE Spotlight – Spring 2024

inancial barriers have discouraged many commercial building
owners in Texas from investing
in energy efficiency and water conservation upgrades. Structures in Texas
account for approximately 70 percent
of electricity use and 40 percent of
total energy use according to the
state comptroller. The Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PAСE)
Act was designed to address those
barriers by making such investments
financially feasible.
Ten years have passed since the
PACE Act was adopted by the Texas
Legislature and signed by thengovernor Rick Perry. Low interest rates
and the pandemic initially hindered the
program’s popularity. However, today’s
higher interest rate environment has
worked in the program’s favor.
What is the PACE Program?
The PACE program enables owners of
commercial and industrial properties
to obtain low-cost, long-term loans
targeted at reducing energy and
water consumption. Loans can be up
to 100 percent of all costs associated
with the design and installation of the
upgrades, up to a maximum of 25
percent of the property’s as-complete
market value. Loans can cover labor
and material costs expended during the installation or modification of
improvements, permit fees, inspection
fees, lender’s fees, program application and administrative fees, project
development and engineering fees,
independent third-party reviewer
(ITPR) fees, and any other fees or
costs incurred during the installation
State law enables but does not
require cities and counties to offer a
PACE program. If a local government
chooses to offer PACE, the governing
body is required to designate the specific geographic area (the “region”)
where PACE assessments can be
placed. Regional PACE programs can
make it easier for rural counties and
smaller local governments to offer
PACE financing.

Central Texas, Events, Newsroom

InterContintental Hotel TX-PACE Forum

In a commitment to advancing sustainable development, the Town of Addison invites you to the Northwest Dallas County PACE Financing Workshop. This event is poised to be a transformative experience for businesses and nonprofits, offering valuable insights into the Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (TX-PACE) financing program. Learn how TX-PACE can rejuvenate properties, cut operating costs, and help the environment in the process.


AACOG Region PACE Financing Workshop

In a commitment to advancing sustainable development, the Town of Addison invites you to the Northwest Dallas County PACE Financing Workshop. This event is poised to be a transformative experience for businesses and nonprofits, offering valuable insights into the Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (TX-PACE) financing program. Learn how TX-PACE can rejuvenate properties, cut operating costs, and help the environment in the process.


City of Laredo PACE Financing Workshop

In a commitment to advancing sustainable development, the Town of Addison invites you to the Northwest Dallas County PACE Financing Workshop. This event is poised to be a transformative experience for businesses and nonprofits, offering valuable insights into the Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (TX-PACE) financing program. Learn how TX-PACE can rejuvenate properties, cut operating costs, and help the environment in the process.


Dallas County PACE Financing Workshop in Balch Springs

In a commitment to advancing sustainable development, the Town of Addison invites you to the Northwest Dallas County PACE Financing Workshop. This event is poised to be a transformative experience for businesses and nonprofits, offering valuable insights into the Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (TX-PACE) financing program. Learn how TX-PACE can rejuvenate properties, cut operating costs, and help the environment in the process.

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