Request a PACE Program

PACE Program Interest Form

Texas PACE Authority is always interested in expanding its program to best serve all Texas residents. Just because a PACE program has yet to be established in the region where your property is located, all hope is not lost. 

Please tell us more about your project and we can begin the process of getting a PACE program established in your region. We'll do all the work!
Confirm Inactive Program Status

Start typing the name of the property's county. If the name of the county populates, then there's already an established program in that region. Visit to be linked to the county's TX-PACE homepage.

Start typing the name of the property's city. If the name of the city populates, then there's already an established program in that region. Visit to be linked to the city's TX-PACE homepage. Example: Ingleside, City of
Your information

Potential Project - Property information

If you wish to check your property's eligibility beyond region, visit

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